
Sustainable Healthcare: A New Way To Wellness

March 29, 2022 Bisi Williams / Dr. Bruce Piasecki Season 2 Episode 6

Health begins with foundational skills that cultivate a proactive mindset. How can we offer people the ladder of self-actualization to develop wellness within? Dr. Bruce Piasecki, President and Founder of AHC Group, best selling author, academic and thought leader, shares an economic viewpoint of health care that shows the impact we have on each other. Using real world examples, he looks at medical wellness climate change, social response capitalism, and how design thinking can solve health care challenges with Health2049 co-host Bisi Williams.

Dr. Bruce Piasecki

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  • The real solution is in preventative medicine. [04:19]
  • Wellness is a condition of self-actualization and social value.[07:17]
  • What are medical wellness climate change issues? [12:27]
  • Three interacting, different economic circles.[16:56]
  • What’s an ugly truth about hospitals? [21:03]
  • Using design thinking for a holistic solution. [24:17] 
  • The effect of speculative short term capitalism and social response capitalism on health. [29:44]
  • What is social response capitalism? [33:40]