
The Integrated Community Champion

May 17, 2022 Jason Helgerson / Paul Mears Season 2 Episode 13

Paul Mears leads an integrated health board across the pond in the country of Wales, part of the United Kingdom. These traditional old mining communities have–as many post industrial communities here in the States–experienced challenges as the dominant industry exited, leaving many behind and created deep social and health needs. Paul shares his vision of health with Health2049 podcast co-host Jason Helgerson, one that includes a collaborative, reactive, digitally-enhanced care system that can rise to meet these difficult challenges. 

Paul Mears

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  • Paul Mears’ health care background. [03:04]
  • The roles of providers and hospitals. [05:01]
  • Technology will change medical specialist training. [13:05]
  • A mindset shift from treating to preventing disease. [16:45]
  • Does online information create inefficiencies? [22:45]
  • How can medical providers remain relevant? [25:28] 
  • Ethical challenges in digital healthcare. [28:32]
  • Determinants of good health. [31:42]