
Reframing Pediatric Care Through Play

December 12, 2023 Bisi Williams / Aaron Horowitz Season 3 Episode 4

How can innovative technology empower children to take an active role in their health care journey? Aaron Horowitz, Co-Founder and CEO of Empath Labs shares an approach to care that incorporates interactive companions and play to support the mental health and wellbeing of children. He shared a future vision in which pediatric care is foundational in addressing population-wide health challenges with Health2049 co-host Bisi Williams. By engaging children in early prevention, we can create a more empathetic, personalized healthcare system at every stage of life.

Aaron Horowitz

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  • The journey to patient-centered pediatrics. [4:30]
  • Empowering children to engage with care. [7:52]
  • Achieving better treatment outcomes. [9:39]
  • Children have been overlooked in health care. [12:59]
  • Benefit of a preventative care system. [15:18]
  • An approach to engaging patients.[18:30]
  • Designing for pediatric care. [21:05]
  • What are interactive companions?  [23:30]
  • Community engagement in pediatrics. [27:05]
  • Prioritizing children’s mental health. [28:30]
  • Integrating mechatronics in pediatrics. [30:15]
  • Personalized care in pediatrics. [35:05] 

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